Who We Are

Learning Unlimited consists of committees designed to support and expand Splash programs across the nation. Former program leaders work alongside others who never had a chance to run a Splash. Some are still in college, while some have long graduated, but they all help to make our programs a reality. They bring diverse talents, from business and legal advice to web programming to graphic design, and together form the backbone of our organization. We invite anyone with interest to join! Reach out to us at info@learningu.org with a brief description of what excites you about Splash and how you are interested in helping.

LU Organizational Chart

Meet the people of Learning Unlimited:

Our Board of Directors

Jordan Hines, Chair; Director of Resource Management

Jordan has been involved in Splash programs since volunteering at MIT Splash in 2015 as a freshman. Since then, he has taught for every program he's been able to, typically teaching classes on quantum information, theoretical computer science, and discrete math. In 2020, they joined the admin team for Splash at Berkeley, where they have led teacher recruitment and served as president. As an LU board member, they are looking forward to helping other Splash chapters grow and fostering inter-chapter relationships! Jordan is currently pursuing a PhD in quantum information at UC Berkeley. Outside of doing science and working with LU, he can often be found bouldering, running, and making coffee.

Sofia Sepulveda Pizarro, Vice Chair; Director of Communications

After attending Princeton Splash as a high school student and thoroughly enjoying the diverse opportunities to learn something new, Sofia joined the administrative team of Princeton Splash as an undergraduate student. Sofia was thrilled to have the chance to be a teacher at Splash and share her passions. She is excited to continue to be a Splash teacher and to help bring a great Splash experience to more high school students as a co-director of Princeton Splash and a member of the LU Board. Sofia is currently studying Molecular Biology and pursuing certificates in Global Health and German Studies.

Paola Milbank, Secretary; Mentor at Program Services; Research & Pedagogy

Paola is an undergraduate student at Yale and a 2024 co-president of Splash at Yale, which she has been dedicated to since her freshman year at Yale. After working on a very small admin team, she became a Splash director for two semesters of growing programs after Covid. She loves working with other admins to make the best, most exciting programs possible for students and is looking forward to spreading the (sp)love to even more LU chapters. Outside of Splash, she studies American history and education and is involved with Yale College Democrats, Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, and research at the Yale Law School. She enjoys cooking, reading, and binge-watching reality tv. She is passionate about educational equity and access.

Vivian Hir

Vivian is an undergraduate student at MIT majoring in Computer Science & Molecular Biology. They have done various administrative roles and held various officer positions in MIT ESP, including the Director of Teaching Resources (DoTR) and Summer HSSP director. Vivian enjoys teaching classes on various subjects from organic chemistry to this Chinese calligraphy. In their free time, Vivian likes reading books, running, and learning French on Duolingo. They look forward to getting to know people from different Splash chapters by being on the LU Board.

Tiffany Hu, Research & Pedagogy

Tiffany attended Splash in middle and high school—she enjoyed the programs and her experience inspired her to join the chapter at her college. Part of Splash at Yale, she has served as co-president, co-director, and teacher. She is a current undergraduate student at Yale studying Statistics & Data Science and English. Outside of Splash and academics, you can find her cafe hopping with friends, going on walks, and going down the YouTube rabbit hole. As part of LU Board, Tiffany hopes to grow Splash chapters and make programs more accessible for students.

Our Staff

Zoe Lee, Chief Executive Director; Director of Research & Pedagogy

Zoe L.
Zoe discovered her passion for education as a Philosophy tutor and later as a teacher at UCLA’s 2018 Splash. Since then, she has taught and directed numerous Splash programs and accredited university courses, continuously incorporating evidence-based pedagogy into her teaching. Based on these experiences, she launched the pedagogy initiative while serving on the Board of Directors to create resources that can help Splash teachers teach effectively. Now as CEO, Zoe strives to foster a LU-Splash community where everyone feels welcomed, inspired, and empowered to expand Splash’s positive impact on education and beyond. She is currently pursuing graduate studies in Psychology at UCLA, doing research on consciousness.

Ted Hwa, Chief Financial Officer

Ted Hwa has been volunteering in Splash programs since 1996, during his days as a student at Stanford. He continues to be involved with the Stanford chapter of Learning Unlimited, assisting them with website issues. His background is in mathematics and computer science, and in his day job, he works in the field of internet security.

Miles Calabresi, Director of Program Services; Web Services

Miles has been involved in the LU and Splash communities since 2012, both as program director and organizational president at the Yale chapter. He has been active in LU, mentoring programs and creating resources to help improve the impact of our programs, as well as serving as Chair of the Chapter Board, member of the Nominating Committee and Web Team, and the annual SplashCon director. In his primary role, Director of Chapter Services, his projects include streamlining communication between LU and its chapters, creating and improving standards of assistance LU provides, and creating reusable resources for programs to build on, all with the goal of making accessible information and services that are durable and useful to programs of varying ages, sizes, and philosophies. Miles holds degrees in Mathematics and Linguistics from Yale and The Ohio State University.

Will Gearty, Director of Web Services

Will has been involved in the LU and Splash communities since 2013, when he taught his first Splash class at the Yale chapter. He has been volunteering for the LU web services team since 2016, serving as the director of the team since 2018. As the Director of Web Services, he spearheads the development and maintenance of the websites for all Splash chapters. In his day job, he serves as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Open Source Program Office at Syracuse University, where he promotes, teaches, and practices open science and open-source software development practices. He develops open-source R packages revolving around data acquisition, cleaning, and visualization. Will holds degrees in Geology from Yale University and Stanford University.

Anne Wen, Mentor at Program Services

Anne Wen, formerly the Princeton Splash co-director and a member of the Learning Unlimited Board, is based in Beijing until 2025. She's a Yenching Scholar at Peking University studying economics. Inspired by her time at Splash, she's engaged in similar volunteer teaching programs across China and has loved to see the cultural differences in teaching, for fun, in both the U.S. and China.

Chloe Chow, Mentor at Program Services; Resource Management

Chloe was first introduced to Splash as a freshman at Northwestern and served on Northwestern’s admin team in various roles for all of undergrad. While her experience has been mostly on the administrative end, Chloe has also taught classes on topics from forensics to figure drawing. As an LU volunteer, she is excited to help organize resources from past SplashCons for future reference and use. Chloe is currently pursuing a Master’s in Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean at Harvard Divinity School.

Thai Tran, Resource Management

Thai is involved in high school outreach to foster students’ interest in Splash, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. As an undergraduate student at UC Riverside, Thai was involved in outreach activities as a liaison for Title I high school students interested in STEM. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD in Medical Informatics at UCLA.

Eric Li, Mentor at Program Services; Newsletter Chair

Eric has been a part of Splash since his sophomore year at Cornell, where he started as a teacher. Later on he moved into the admin team to work on teacher and student recruitment. He has always had a passion for mentorship and is excited to join LU as a mentor and a newsletter writer! He holds a degree in computer science and biology from Cornell University and hopes to attend medical school in the near future.

Julia Wang, Human Resources

Julia discovered Splash at Yale's admitted students' weekend, and she has never looked back. Julia is an undergraduate student at Yale University studying Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and Education Studies. When she isn't studying or completing Splash tasks, you can probably find her listening to Taylor Swift, eating fries, or making a spreadsheet (all at the same time?). Her favorite Splash memory is singing 2010s-throwback songs in her pajamas with the team after Sprout at Yale 2020. After serving as a co-director, mentor, co-president, and teacher, Julia is excited to join the LU Board!